- Cthulhu Britannica
- Cthulhu Britannica Avalon
- Cthulhu Britannica Folklore
- Cthulhu Britannica Shadows over Scotland
- Cthulhu Britannica London The Curse of Nineveh
- Secrets of Japan
- Secrets of Kenya
- Secrets of Los Angeles
- Secrets of Morocco
- Secrets of New York
- Secrets of New Orleans
- Secrets of San Francisco
- Secrets of Tibet
- 1920s Investigator Companion
- Beyond the Mountains of Madness
- Pulp Cthulhu
- Delta Green Targets of Opportunity
- Delta Green Eyes Only
- Horror Roleplaying in 1890s England(Cthulhu by Gaslight)
- Japan - Empire of Shadows
- Investigator Handbook
- Keeper Tips
- Investigator Weapons Volume2
- Doors to Darkness
- Shadows of Yog-Sothoth
- Spawn of Azathoth
- The Two-Headed Serpent(Pulp Cthulhu)
- The Masks of Nyarlathotep